Grant application instructions

Hello, and thank you for your interest in a Mary Clark Thompson Grant!

In keeping with founder Mary Clark Thompson’s spirit of community-minded philanthropy, the F.F. Thompson Foundation sponsors a Community Health Grants Program. Through a competitive application process, grants of $500 to $2,500 are awarded to local community not-for-profit organizations that are committed to improving the health and wellness of residents and communities in UR Medicine’s Thompson Health service area.

Our Objectives:

  • Support projects and programs that demonstrate an ability to achieve quantifiable results that benefit the health and wellness of the residents of UR Medicine’s Thompson Health community.
  • Support partnerships in the community that will help us build a healthy community.


Our Requirements:

  • The applicant organization must be a 501(c)(3) serving UR Medicine’s Thompson Health primary (Ontario and Yates Counties) or secondary (Monroe, Wayne, Seneca, Steuben and Livingston counties) service areas.
  • Funds must support the delivery of health-related programs and/or services to UR Medicine’s Thompson Health community.
  • Requests for capital improvements must demonstrate efforts to secure In-Kind support or reduced costs through a competitive bid process. Copies of vendor estimates must be included.


Our Awards Are Based On Applicant’s:

  • Alignment with UR Medicine’s Thompson Health mission to continuously improve the health of the residents and communities of the Finger Lakes and surrounding region.

o Projects/programs with a particular focus on the prevention of obesity, addiction and chronic disease (e.g. diabetes, heart disease) will receive more favorable consideration.

  • Ability to clearly demonstrate how the proposed program/project will benefit the health status of UR Medicine’s Thompson Health community. Identify the demand for your project/program through best practices, community survey, letters of support, etc.
  • Ability to clearly articulate goals and measurable outcomes (including overall number of persons to benefit from program and a clear statement of what that benefit will be) and financial viability/sustainability.
  • Ability to demonstrate commitment of existing or matching funds will receive more favorable consideration.



  • UR Medicine affiliates are not eligible for funding.
  • Funds may not be used for prizes, fundraising event sponsorship, or personnel costs (salary, benefits, etc.).
  • Grants will not be given to partnerships that include for-profit entities.
  • Organizations that have not provided final reports for previously funded projects/programs will not be granted funding.
  • Organizations that have not submitted the Mary Clark Thompson Grant Recipient Final Report for previously funded projects/programs will not be considered for funding.


Our Awardees Will Agree To:

  • Submitting the Mary Clark Thompson Grant Recipient Final Report by December 1 of the year funding was received.
  • Returning funding to the F.F. Thompson Foundation if the project/program has been overfunded.
  • Including F.F. Thompson Foundation as a funding partner in any communications regarding the program; recognize F.F. Thompson Foundation in annual reports, etc. at the appropriate giving level of support provided by the grant.


Our Process:

  • We review grant applications annually.
  • Applicants may apply by completing the online application form.
  • Recommendations for grant awards will be made by the Mary Clark Thompson Grant Committee to the F.F. Thompson Foundation Board of Directors at its May meetings.
  • Applicants will be notified in writing within 30 days of the Foundation Board’s decision.

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